Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Thankful STONES
Inspired by Elizabeti’s Doll

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/08r_6DB0gtTa7Isd0M6q-FBFfoe5uDhGq7--r4NwHYe5u7ksw8T9PvAyJQ90E_jQlipJ_oiKLjRP8sw3GRN_IP6ZiyEfGwBl9VD192L3b2VnShq_pLFotFrndClv47CnnsN7nX2Wj4mulDHe   https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/eFklldon0nEtQr7kUcaP0wtPxe4n2uUr4U3EE_lBAaWnCklJMc3k1eFsoubHwr1ofUXtFfGzVOJASx675aso_DZvIun6jQR72LKezcuEXHAQ37JNrP9iQD8cwVlV99V8USvQ3sbibXyZ3IAe
This week, preschoolers will focus their attention on the word GRATITUDE. Working on character development with young children is an important part of our social and emotional curriculum and being appreciative is an essential character trait we want children to have. Celebrating the things you have verses focusing on what you don’t have is so important.  


Last week, Preschoolers listened to the book Elizabeti’s Doll, which features a young girl and her family living in Tanzania. In this story, Elizabeti wants a doll to care for, however she does not have the means to purchase one. She uses her imagination and magically turns a STONE into a doll and names the doll EVA. One day when Eva turns up lost, Elizabeti realizes just how much she loves her special doll.


The heartfelt story captured the Preschooler’s attention and sparked their curiosity, empathy, compassion and thankfulness for the many people in their lives! To celebrate the people and possessions that Preschoolers cherish, they will create Thankful Stones. The stones will serve as a visual reminder to be grateful for what they do have instead of focusing their attention on what they don’t have. A collection of colorful stones marked with family member’s first name initials will accompany your child home at the end of the week. Our hope is that the bright gems can be placed on your Thanksgiving feast table and will represent your child’s GRATITUDE for YOU!


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